Plan miasta Zubin Potok

Zubin Potok - Najnowsze wiadomości:

gates of vienna news feed 2/3/2009

bogdanovic met with the president s of the cities of zvecan, leposavic, bzubin potok/b and kosovska mitrovica, with whom he examined the current situation in kosovo in both in terms of politics and security. (ansamed). ...
źródło: BlogSearch

gates of vienna news feed 2/3/2009

bogdanovic met with the president s of the cities of zvecan, leposavic, bzubin potok/b and kosovska mitrovica, with whom he examined the current situation in kosovo in both in terms of politics and security. (ansamed). ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Albanian Terrorism and Organized Crime in Kosovo and Metohija

Besides, Albanian started purchasing real bestate/b along the borders with Austria and Germany and establishing catering facilities some of which were later 31 transformed into brothels and also used, during armed conflicts in K&M, b....../b He performed the duties of the commander of KLA 4th operative zone encompassing the region of the municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica, Vučitrn, Leposavić, Zvečan, bZubin Potok/b and a few villages from the Obilić Municipality. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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